How will people treat you? The more your life conforms to and reflects the Bible, the more you will find that people will treat you the way they treat the Bible. Let that soak in for a moment. You might want to read it one more time. To live a life which is about the…
Category: Bible
Posts that deal with the Bible in any way

Fake Christians
I have been in the ministry, as either an assistant or Senior Pastor since the early 1990’s. During that time, I have seen all sorts of people in the churches where I served. These are people who carry the right Bible, attend church faithfully (somewhat), and even go soul winning. Then, when the opportunity arose,…

Islam Denies the Christ of the Bible
The Al Aqsa Mosque on the temple mount was built to display Arabic inscriptions which contradict the identity of the God of the Bible. It is a denial of Christianity and the Bible, with devilish arguments meant to deny Bible teaching about Christ. The inscriptions are seven hundred and thirty-four feet long in all; among…

What is the Most Important Minute of your Life?
Forty two million minutes: that is how much time the average person spends on this earth. It may sound like a lot, but if you’re forty years old you have already used over half of it. And, in the time it took you to open this page and start reading it, you’ve used a little…